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“Some friends may ruin you, but a real friend will ·be more loyal than a brother.” Prov. 18:24



Not-so-athletic Ralph wants to be liked and accepted by his classmates.  But his method might be misguided. Follow Ralph's unlikely journey toward authentic friendship.


Challenge level:




RALPH (M) 3-8th Grade. Kind, vulnerable, not an athlete.

KATIE BETH (F) 3-8th Grade. Pageant girl, spoiled, oblivious.

LAURA (F) 3-8th Grade. Thoughtful, old soul, unassuming, invisible at school.

Song Demos

Ralph's Aspiration
00:00 / 02:13
Katie Beth's Birthday Song
00:00 / 01:17
Laura's Basketball Song
00:00 / 01:19
We Stick Together
00:00 / 02:35
Ralph's Aspiration Reprise
00:00 / 00:23
Ralph Read Through

Full Show Read-Through

Ralph to the RescueFaith Based Student Musicals
00:00 / 12:16
Ralph to the Rescue (Musical Title and Graphic)

What this kit includes:

  • Script

  • Vocal Demos

  • Accompaniment Tracks

  • Lead Sheets

    • vocal lines, chords, harmony where applicable

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